
General Oilfield Consulting, Construction & Maintenance



Single Pad Well & Multi Pad Well Completions & Re-Completions



AB / SK B31.3 Computerized QC Welding & Fabrication



B Pressure Portable Rig Welders



Journeyman Interprovincial Pipefitters & Gas Fitters



Apprenticeship Program



Secondary Containment Supply & Setup



Tank Cradles & Large Pickers



Picker Equipped Service Crew Trucks (1.5 Ton to 5 Ton)



Pro-Rated Trucks & Equipment



Transportation Canada Fitness Certified



Oilfield Storage Tank Construction



API 653 Tank Inspections, Repairs & Alteration Services



On-Site Rentals, Gensets, H2S Monitors, Sniffers, Transit Levels



Small Tampers, 1000 lb Plate Tampers, Bobcats with Buckets & Forks



Grader for Lease Grading & Snow Removal



Specialty Projects



Spill Clean Ups



Hot Shot Delivery Services



AutoCAD Drafting Services

To view a slide show of various construction projects, click on the first thumbnail image, then click on the Play button at the bottom left of the image.  You can start the slide show at any point in the show by clicking on any thumbnail image.  To pause the slide show, click the pause button at the bottom left of an image.  To resume the slide show, click the play button at the bottom left of an image. To manually advance the images, click on the right arrow button at the bottom left of an image (to view the next image) or click on the left arrow button at the bottom left of an image (to view the previous image).  You can also manually advance the images by moving your mouse over the image and click the Previous or Next arrows that appear at the left or right edge of the image.